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Join a Coalition!

ACEC/VA members are eligible to join specialty coalitions within ACEC, these are dedicated communities of ACEC members organized by practice area or firm size. Click here to learn more.

Join a Committee!

Login to the Member Information Center and update your personal groups/interests to get involved in a committee.

Complete this form today.

Email Marchelle Albertson if you need help accessing the Member Information Center.

Volunteer Committees and Sub Committees

Advocacy Committee

This committee shall provide advocacy on behalf of the engineering industry and establish rapport with pertinent governmental agencies. Members of this committee shall represent ACEC/VA on the Joint Legislative Committee (JLC), a joint committee of ACEC/VA and VSAIA. Meets as needed throughout the year.

  • Chair: C. Eric Burke, Moffatt & Nichol
  • Vice-Chair: Paul Bryan, Froehling & Robertson
  • Ex-officio: Chadd Yeatts, Schnabel Engineering

​Education Committee

This committee promotes STEM and workforce development initiatives in K-12 schools and colleges/universities across Virginia, with a focus on engineering. It also supports educational programs offered by ACEC Virginia. Meets 4-6 times each year.

  • Chair: Jeff Rodgers, KCI
  • Ex-officio: Will Goode, Mason & Hanger

Finance Committee

Implement the financial policy established by the executive board, prepare the annual budget, and audit the accounts of the Council.  Meets 1-2 times each year.

  • Chair: Bob Polino, Brockenbrough
  • Ex-officio: Victor Angell, Wiley | Wilson

Environmental Committee

This committee shall provide guidance on environmental planning and compliance issues related to engineering practice in Virginia. Meets monthly.

  • Chair: Don Rissmeyer, AMT
  • Vice-Chair: Ricky Woody, Stantec
  • Ex-Officio: Scott Lovell, STV


Membership Committee

This committee shall pursue prospects to apply for membership, encourage members to bring in new members, encourage attendance by new and current members at meetings and events, and help new members become active quickly in the Council. Meets regularly throughout the year.

  • Chair: Lonnie Paster, Benchmark Benefits
  • Ex-officio: Sam Hayes. WSP
Sub Committee - ​​Next Generation Committee

Represent young professionals within member firms, promote increased participation in Council activities, increase diversity in participation, and provide a young professional perspective to various activities of the Council.

      • Chair: Ryan Mumby, Mason & Hanger
      • Vice-Chair: Jon Mulligan, Moffatt & Nichol
      • Ex-Officio: Teresa King, Froehling & Robertson

Political Action Committee (PAC)

This committee develops funding opportunities for both the ACEC/PAC and the Engineering Companies of Virginia PAC (ECV/PAC) to support advocacy efforts on the state and national levels.

  • Chair: Victor Angell, Wiley|Wilson
  • Ex-Officio: Julie Hartman, Volkert

Transportation Committee

Work with state officials and keep members informed on transportation issues. Work with staff to set up networking avenues with key VDOT personnel.

  • Chair: Jeff McKay, AMT
  • Vice Chair: Todd Childress, Jacobs
  • Ex-officio: Tom Marando, TranSystems

Vertical Committee

To engage non-civil engineering disciplines (i.e. Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Structural, Fire Protection) by providing opportunities for content related to Vertical facilities and systems affecting engineering businesses through dialog with prospective “Client” agencies/entities which execute Vertical projects. Engage with other industry organizations (ex. AIA, AGC, etc.) for collaboration on common issues of interest.

  • Chair: Justin Hunt, Burgess & Niple
  • Vice-Chair: Kevin Hopkins, Brockenbrough
  • Ex-Officio: Victor Angell, Wiley|Wilson

Appointed Committees

Executive Committee

Review the financial and other arrangements between the Council and the Executive Director each year, and recommend any action it deems necessary to the Finance Committee.

  • Chair:  Victor Angell, Wiley|Wilson
  • Other Members: Chadd Yeatts, Schnabel Engineering and Julie Hartman, Volkert
​Sub Committee - Fellows

Recommend to the Executive Board members who are eligible, in accordance with the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) requirements, to become ACEC Fellows and submit to ACEC nominees approved by the Executive Board.

Nominating Committee

Review Board nomination candidates to be elected to the Board of Directors and provide a proposed slate of Officers to the membership for review by May 15 of each year.

  • Chair: Eric Burke, Moffat & Nichol


HR Forum
This forum shall allow member firm professionals handling human resource professionals to discuss best practices and network with peers. This group will organize and host a combination of roundtables and forums featuring speakers such as attorneys and HR consultants.

IT Forum
This forum shall give IT professionals or those responsible for the technology of member firms an opportunity to discuss best practices and network with their peers. This group will help organize and host forums featuring speakers in relevant fields of technology.

Accounting/Finance Forum
This forum will give accounting and finance professionals of member firms an opportunity to discuss best practices and network with their peers. This group will help organize and host a combination of facilitated roundtables and forums featuring speakers on various accounting and finance topics geared specifically toward challenges faced by our member firms.

Workplace Engagement Forum
Develops programs to help bring a diverse and talented workforce at various career levels.  Hosts discussions to provide the tools to attract and retain the best talent.

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